Episode 8

Published on:

25th Apr 2024

Dana Leipold: Aging Gracefully, It's All In Your Mind

Welcome back to "Confessions of an Aging Ingénue". I am your delightful host – Jenni Tooley! And I’m excited to have you join me on today’s episode!

I have an esteemed guest joining me as well, Dana Leipold - a dedicated Wellness Coach, Holistic Nutritionist, and Yoga Instructor. With over five years of experience, Dana specializes in supporting individuals aged 50 and above in cultivating a positive mindset, nourishing their bodies with optimal nutrition, and establishing a consistent movement practice. Her mission is clear: to guide her clients from feeling aged and achy to vibrant and healthy, empowering them to flourish in their golden years. You’ll gain valuable insights and practical tips from Dana as we explore a topic that resonates with so many of us: the art of living life to the fullest and aging gracefully.

Get ready for an eye-opening conversation today as we discuss the intricacies and challenges of aging, both personally and within the context of caring for aging parents, and the struggle of balancing how one feels mentally with the changes that occur in the body as we age.  Dana shares insights from her experience as a coach, untangling and demystifying the process of aging.

From societal attitudes toward aging and the pressure to maintain youthfulness, to navigating the complexities of getting older and mortality, no stone is left unturned! This episode will benefit individuals of all ages who are interested in understanding the topic of aging and wellness from a holistic perspective. Whether you’re on your own journey - aging, caring for aging loved ones, or simply seeking inspiration for living a more fulfilling and meaningful life, there’s valuable wisdom and practical advice for everyone.

So, grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, and join us on this journey of reflection, empowerment, and growth. If you find something that resonates with you, make sure to apply it in your own life.

And I have exciting news! Dana is generously extending a special offer to all our listeners: a complimentary 16-minute Yoga Nidra session. Designed especially for individuals aged 50 and above, this practice offers a myriad of benefits, including stress reduction, anxiety management, improved sleep quality, and enhanced healing. Let Dana guide you through this rejuvenating meditation that will leave you feeling refreshed and restored.

Access Dana’s Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation here!

And don’t forget, the Season 1 Confessions Companion Guide is on its way.

Pre-order yours today for a chance to get a signed hard copy!

Visit my website at jennitooley.com and sign up for my monthly Museletter to access exclusive insider tips and info straight to your inbox. Also, subscribe to this podcast to stay updated on new episodes, like it, and leave me a review! Your support is invaluable to me.

Until next time!

Connect with me:

Instagram: Jenni Tooley

Facebook: Jenni Tooley

Website: Jennitooley.com

Show artwork for Confessions of an Aging Ingenue

About the Podcast

Confessions of an Aging Ingenue
from insecure ingenue to perimenopausal powerhouse
Go BTS into my creative life/career as I regain my integrity and create a system that aligns with my values and supports an abundant, healthy lifestyle.

It’s taken me decades to find my way back to me. The journey has been messy, out of control and all of the things I feared. I fear them no more. Take these stories as your own.

Imperfect. Unedited. Uncensored.
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About your host

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Jenni Tooley

Hi! I am Jenni Tooley and I have a lot going on! I tend to go where I am led, am highly adaptable and have a wide variety of transferable skills and talents. This means I have experienced a whole lot so far in life-- I have owned and operated my own cottage bakery, am a trained birth doula, am a yoga teacher, am a professional actor, have worked in non-profit development, launched a web series and just distributed my first feature film, STUCK. Oh! Did I happen to mention I've also been an actor for over 3 decades and played alongside in Richard Linklater's Boyhood? That all sounds amazing- and super woman-ish, right?

What you may not know is that although I am a creative human, I am also a messy one. I've been around lot of blocks and trudged through around and over some of the deepest blocks within myself. I know what it's like to feel stuck- unable to move forward. I know what it's like to be overwhelmed with self-doubt. I know what it's like to feel like I or what I do is never enough. I've spent years trying to "fix" myself. I have a "chick with a stick" in my brain that loves to whack me around whenever I make a mistake, show my imperfections, or am willing to be vulnerable. She thinks she's keeping me safe. But I'm tired of being abused by myself. My "good enough" is actually more than good enough. I don't have to go outside of myself for validation. And being vulnerable is really hot!

I won't claim to have completely overcome all these things-- after all I am human. But I've gotten through them and continue to build myself up rather than break myself down, most days:) Along my journey I have collected so many tools, a whole lot of experience, and have always been (it turns out) filled with wisdom. I am thrilled to be able to share all of this with you! I specialize in holding space for people, deeply listening, and being able to guide people back to the truth of who they are. The process isn't perfect. And I will never claim to have " the only 5 steps you need to fix yourself for good" because in my experience that's a bunch of hoo-ha. And it sets up a situation where if you didn't get fixed you think there must be something wrong with you(I know, I've had that experience).

I'd love to have you join me on this journey! www.jennitooley.com